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Intelligent Lighting Control
BlogLights on a tree turned on by an Intelligent Lighting Control

Intelligent Lighting Control

Intelligent lighting control has revolutionised the way we think about lighting systems. With the ability to customise and optimise lighting solutions to meet the specific needs of each space, intelligent lighting control can enhance the efficiency, comfort, and convenience of your home or business. One of the key benefits is energy efficiency. By programming your […]
KNX – Building Automation
BlogKnx Header image

KNX – Building Automation

KNX is an intelligent solution for networking and controlling building technology. It has been established for over 32 years and is a worldwide standard for home and building control, adopted by Standards Australia as a technical specification. KNX is the world’s only truly open protocol endorsed by worldwide standards. KNX is not manufacturer specific. It is open […]
How Electrical Maintenance Can Affect Your Business
BlogPreventive Maintenance plan

How Electrical Maintenance Can Affect Your Business

Businesses operate with complex electrical systems in place. From energy and staff efficiency to the personnel and facility safety, electronics play a valuable part in a building’s infrastructure. When these electrical systems in place are unmaintained or overlooked, more than just time and money can be at risk. A maintenance electrician is a valuable resource […]
Electrical Building Maintenance
BlogCommercial Electricians Walking From Van

Electrical Building Maintenance

Industrial Power and Automation specialises in electrical building maintenance for large commercial buildings, factories, shopping centres, offices, and body corporate buildings. Partnering with building management professionals, property managers, asset managers and facilities maintenance organisations, IPA provides scheduled and reactive services to businesses from Brisbane to the Gold Coast. Our highly skilled team of electricians can […]
How Often Does Emergency Lighting Need to Be Tested?
BlogEmergency Light Test

How Often Does Emergency Lighting Need to Be Tested?

This article covers how often emergency lighting needs to be tested, per the Australian government’s rules and regulations.  It is a requirement, as governed by law, for emergency lighting and exit signs to be installed in all commercial buildings and multi-residential buildings. These must be regularly tested to comply with the fire safety regulations outlined […]
Variable Speed Drive Installation
BlogVariable Speed Drives

Variable Speed Drive Installation

Industrial Power and Automation can assist with variable speed drive installation, replacement, or retrofits. VSD can save power and improve performance in industrial plants, and commercial areas including shops and offices. What is variable speed drive (VSD)? Variable speed drives (VSD) are sometimes called Variable Frequency Drives (VFD) or AC drives. A variable speed drive […]
Electrical Control Panel Builders
BlogControl Panel Building

Electrical Control Panel Builders

Electrical Control Panel Builder As an electrical control panel builder, we are responsible for the construction of electric control panels for manufacturing machinery and other various types of industrial, mining, or agricultural equipment. Control panel builders normally work for their customers directly. However in some cases the panel builder may be part of a large […]
What Is Industrial Electrical Fault Finding?
BlogFinding A Fault In Electrical Circuit

What Is Industrial Electrical Fault Finding?

Regular electrical fault finding for your industrial enterprise will save you time and money as your electrical systems start malfunctioning over time. This is because regular maintenance ensures problems are found early, saving you headaches in the long run. Consequently, electrical fault finding requires a person with specialised knowledge to pinpoint the fault in an […]
Electrical Preventive Maintenance – Are you getting the most out of your asset’s life cycle?
BlogElectrical Preventive Maintenance

Electrical Preventive Maintenance – Are you getting the most out of your asset’s life cycle?

Electrical preventive maintenance refers to regular maintenance work done on electrical assets at set intervals to repair signs of wear before they lead to breakdowns. Preventive maintenance is a popular system that many businesses, companies, and organizations use to schedule maintenance tasks that help assets, machinery, electrical panels, and other equipment stay in good, working […]
Industrial vs Commercial Electricians: What’s the Difference?
BlogCommercial Electrician

Industrial vs Commercial Electricians: What’s the Difference?

This article looks at the differences and similarities between industrial vs commercial electricians.  There is a common misconception that there is no difference between an industrial electrician and a commercial electrician, however, this isn’t really true.  Every electrician ends up specialising in one area during their training. As such, employing the right one for the […]
The Uses of Thermal Imaging for Electrical Inspections
BlogThermal Imaging Electrical Inspections

The Uses of Thermal Imaging for Electrical Inspections

The use of thermal imaging to carry out non-contact mechanical and electrical inspections is called thermography. Thermography involves employing infrared (IR) or thermal cameras to capture and record variations in the temperature of mechanical and electrical equipment. Thermal imaging is used in various industries, including firefighting, auto manufacturing, wildlife studies, skin temperature screening, industrial inspections, […]
How to find what’s tripping your circuit breaker
BlogCircuit Breaker Tripping

How to find what’s tripping your circuit breaker

A circuit breaker is an electrical safety apparatus that protects a circuit from damage caused by an overcurrent or short circuit. The most common cause of a tripping circuit breaker is when too much electricity flows through it or when the circuit cannot handle the overload. When a circuit breaker trips, it cuts the flow […]

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