Industrial Power and Automation provides an extensive range of services for clients in the Construction industry across Southeast Queensland. Our skilled construction electricians use the latest technology to provide you with efficient and cost-effective solutions for your new construction project. We can also schedule maintenance and installation services based on your budget, needs and compliance requirements.
Commercial construction is the process of building and leasing or selling spaces in the private sector. These spaces can include offices, manufacturing plants, warehouses, medical centres, schools, and retail shopping centres.
These new construction projects vary in size and complexity from new builds, base builds, office fit-outs, tilt-panel construction, large warehouses, and renovations.
Our team of highly trained and experienced construction electricians will work with you to ensure that the electrical work for your construction project. We understand the unique challenges that construction projects can pose, and our construction electricians have the knowledge and expertise to provide you with the best possible solutions.
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